序号 |
标准编号 |
标准名称 |
标准外文名称 |
出版机构 |
1 |
nb/t 10107-2018 |
海上风电场工程岩土试验规程 |
specification for geotechnical tests of offshore
wind power projects |
中国水利水电出版社 |
2 |
nb/t 10128-2019 |
光伏发电工程电气设计规范 |
code for electrical design of photovoltaic power
projects |
中国水利水电出版社 |
3 |
nb/t 10132-2019 |
水电工程通信设计内容和深度规定 |
regulation on content and depth of communication
design for hydropower projects |
中国水利水电出版社 |
4 |
nb/t 10138-2019 |
水电工程库岸防护工程勘察规程 |
specification for engineering geological
investigation of reservoir bank protection for hydropower projects |
中国水利水电出版社 |
5 |
nb/t 10141-2019 |
水电工程水库专项工程勘察规程 |
specification for investigation of reservoir
special items for hydropower projects |
中国水利水电出版社 |
6 |
nb/t 10144-2019 |
水力发电厂水力机械辅助系统流量监视测量技术规程 |
technical specification for flow monitoring and
measuring of hydraulic-mechanical auxiliary system in hydroelectric
power plants |
中国水利水电出版社 |
7 |
nb/t 10224-2019 |
水电工程电法勘探技术规程 |
technical specification for electrical exploration
of hydropower projects |
中国水利水电出版社 |
8 |
nb/t 10231-2019 |
水电站多声道超声波流量计基本技术条件 |
basic specifications for the multiple paths
ultrasonic flowmeter of hydropower stations |
中国水利水电出版社 |
9 |
nb/t 10334-2019 |
水力资源调查评价规范 |
code for investigation and assessment of
hydropower resources |
中国水利水电出版社 |
10 |
nb/t 10341.1-2019 |
水电工程启闭机设计规范 第1部分:固定卷扬式启闭机设计规范 |
code for design of hoists for hydropower projects
part 1: code for design of fixed wire rope hoists |
中国水利水电出版社 |
11 |
nb/t 10341.3-2019 |
水电工程启闭机设计规范 第3部分:螺杆式启闭机设计规范 |
code for design of hoists for hydropower projects
part 3: code for design of screw hoists |
中国水利水电出版社 |
12 |
nb/t 10351-2019 |
水电工程水库地震监测总体规划设计报告编制规程 |
specification for preparation of reservoir
earthquake monitoring overall planning report for hydropower projects |
中国水利水电出版社 |
13 |
nb/t 10390-2020 |
水电工程沉沙池设计规范 |
code for design of desilting basin for hydropower
projects |
中国水利水电出版社 |
14 |
nb/t 10391-2020 |
水工隧洞设计规范 |
code for design of hydraulic tunnel |
中国水利水电出版社 |
15 |
nb/t 10395-2020 |
水电工程劳动安全和工业卫生后评价规程 |
specification for post-assessment of occupational
health and safety for hydropower projects |
中国水利水电出版社 |
16 |
nb/t 10498-2021 |
水力发电厂交流110kv~500kv电力电缆工程设计规范 |
code for design of ac 110 kv~500 kv power cable
systems for hydropower station |
中国水利水电出版社 |
17 |
nb/t 20008.36-2019 |
压水堆核电厂用其他材料 第36部分:安全级设备用镍基合金丝 |
other material for pressurized water reactor
nuclear power plants—part 36: nickel-based alloy wires for nuclear
safety related components |
原子能出版社 |
18 |
nb/t 20160-2021 |
压水堆核电厂不锈钢水池覆面施工技术规程 |
the construction technical specification for
watertight stainless steel liner of pwr nuclear power plant |
原子能出版社 |
19 |
nb/t 20263-2021 |
核电厂通信设计规范 |
design specification for communication system of
nuclear power plants |
原子能出版社 |
20 |
nb/t 20313-2014 |
核电厂运行文件体系 |
operating documentation system of nuclear power
plant |
原子能出版社 |
21 |
nb/t 20317-2014 |
核电厂运行经验反馈管理 |
management of operating experience feedback in
nuclear power plant |
原子能出版社 |
22 |
nb/t 20454-2017 |
核电厂培训体系要求 |
requirements on training system of nuclear power
plants |
原子能出版社 |
23 |
nb/t 20504-2018 |
核电厂核岛工程微网测量技术规程 |
technical practice for micro-grid survey of
nuclear island project in nuclear power plant |
原子能出版社 |
24 |
nb/t 20599-2021 |
核电厂安全级仪表阀鉴定 |
qualification of safety class instrument valves
for nuclear power plants |
原子能出版社 |
25 |
nb/t 31008-2019 |
海上风电场工程概算定额 |
quota for cost estimation of offshore wind power
projects |
中国水利水电出版社 |
26 |
nb/t 31009-2019 |
海上风电场工程设计概算编制规定及费用标准 |
preparation regulation for cost estimation of
offshore wind power projects |
中国水利水电出版社 |
27 |
nb/t 31073-2015 |
风电场工程劳动安全与工业卫生验收规程 |
occupational safety and health acceptance
specification for wind power projects |
中国水利水电出版社 |
28 |
nb/t 31113-2017 |
陆上风电场工程施工组织设计规范 |
code for construction organization design of
onshore wind power projects |
中国水利水电出版社 |
29 |
dl/t 400-2019 |
500kv交流紧凑型输电线路带电作业技术导则 |
technical guide for live working in 500kv ac
compact transmission line |
中国电力出版社 |
30 |
dl/t 831-2015 |
大容量煤粉燃烧锅炉炉膛选型导则 |
guide on selection of furnace characteristic
parameters for large pulverized coal fired boilers |
中国电力出版社 |
31 |
dl/t 959-2020 |
电站锅炉安全阀技术规程 |
the code of safety valves for power station
boilers |
中国电力出版社 |
32 |
dl/t 995-2016 |
继电保护和电网安全自动装置检验规程 |
testing regulations on relay protection and power
grid stability control equipment |
中国电力出版社 |
33 |
dl/t 1341-2014 |
±660kv直流输电线路带电作业技术导则 |
technical guide for live working on ±660kv dc
transmission line |
中国电力出版社 |
34 |
dl/t 1394-2014 |
电子式电流、电压互感器校验仪技术条件 |
technical requirement of electronic current and
voltage transformer error test sets |
中国电力出版社 |
35 |
dl/t 1445-2015 |
电站煤粉锅炉燃煤掺烧技术导则 |
technical guidelines of burning blended coal in
pulverized coal fired power plant boilers |
中国电力出版社 |
36 |
dl/t 1502-2016 |
厂用电继电保护整定计算导则 |
guide of calculating settings of relay protections
for auxiliary system of power |
中国电力出版社 |
37 |
dl/t 1744-2017 |
循环流化床锅炉煤制备系统选型导则 |
guide on selection of coal preparation system for
circulating fluidized bed boiler |
中国电力出版社 |
38 |
dl/t 2025.2-2019 |
电站阀门检修导则 第2部分: 蝶阀 |
guide of the maintenance for power plant valve
part 2: butterfly valve |
中国电力出版社 |
39 |
dl/t 5756-2017 |
额定电压35kv(um=40.5kv)及以下冷缩式电缆附件安装规程 |
cold shrinkable accessories installing code of
power cables for rated voltages up to 35kv(um=40.5kv) |
中国电力出版社 |
40 |
dl/t 5758-2017 |
额定电压35kv(um=40.5kv)及以下预制式电缆附件安装规程 |
premoulded accessories installing code for
cross-linked polyethylene power cables for rated voltages up to
35kv(um=40.5kv) |
中国电力出版社 |
41 |
sy/t 6081-2012 |
采油工程方案设计编写规范 |
specifications for oil production engineering
project design |
石油工业出版社 |
42 |
sy/t 6637-2018 |
天然气输送管道系统能耗测试和计算方法 |
метод испытания и расчёта энергетического
потребления системы газопроводов |
石油工业出版社 |